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Innovative Text Survey Tools for Large Corporations

Innovative Text Survey Tools for Large Corporations

Surveys are one of the greatest tools for getting honest feedback from clients and employees on how to improve your business. While you could pass out paper questionnaires or send a survey link in an email, using SMS (text messages) is a more efficient way to ensure customer and employee engagement. 

Text message surveys are fast and easy to create, and they’re convenient to fill out because people will most likely already be on their phones. Using the right text survey tools will ensure you get the best results to help improve company leadership, boost employee morale, and provide quality products and services to your clients.

7 Ways to Use Text Survey Tools in a Corporate Setting

If you’ve never used text surveys before, you may not know what topics or strategies are most effective. For instance, to increase your chances of getting responses from users, you should keep your entire survey within their native SMS app. If you link out to a third-party service like SurveyMonkey, your users are much more likely to abandon the process. Here are some other tips and ideas to effectively use text survey tools within your SMS message in a corporate setting.

Company Culture

You can use a company culture survey to measure how the behavior, values, communication, and satisfaction of your employees and managers contribute to the work environment at your company. The results from this kind of survey will help you develop better leadership strategies, decrease employee turnover, and improve the overall health of your organization.

Market Research

You can easily text market research surveys to your existing customer base to get feedback on new marketing campaigns, product ideas, or service offerings. You can also use market research surveys to spot new trends in your industry and evaluate their staying power with your audience.

Management Evaluation

Management evaluation surveys give your employees a chance to rate their managers’ performance and provide feedback on how they could improve. The results from this kind of survey will give you valuable data on how to improve internal communication, employee morale, and overall leadership at your company.

Customer Demographic

The more you know about your customers, the better you can target your products and marketing. You can text a survey to your existing customers to learn more about their needs, preferences, and overall demographics; with that data, you can create stronger, more precise marketing messages to gain new customers in the future.

Employee Onboarding

First impressions matter, so the onboarding process is crucial for recruiting and retaining quality employees. You can use an onboarding survey to get feedback on the process and learn what you’re doing well and what you could improve.

Training Feedback

Whenever your organization needs to conduct training—new hires, new software, or regulatory changes—you can text attendees a training feedback survey. You can use this survey to gauge how effective your training was and where you could improve and to compile data about your employees’ individual learning styles so you can adapt future training sessions accordingly.

Tips for Creating a Text Survey

Text surveys are easy to create, but to get the most useful data you’ll need to put some care into crafting the perfect questions and sending them to the right people at the right time. Here are some tips and best practices for creating the most effective text surveys with the best response rates.

Stay Focused

To get the best, most effective results, you should keep your survey focused on one specific goal or purpose. Trying to fit too much information into one survey could confuse and overwhelm your participants which can lead to inaccurate or incomplete results. 

The people answering your questions, whether they’re internal staff or external clients, should fully understand the goal of the survey and the purpose of the questions if you want to get the best results.

Ask the Right Questions

Once you’ve narrowed down your survey to one goal, you need to develop your questions. Each question must be easy to understand and unlikely to be misinterpreted. Try to avoid multiple variables like this question:

“How would you rate our company’s product selection and marketing campaigns?” 

This is combining “product selection” with “marketing campaigns” instead of asking two separate and precise questions. So instead of getting two adequate answers, you get one confused and inaccurate answer.

Choose Your Moment

Creating the perfect survey still doesn’t guarantee the best results unless you send it to participants at the right time. Although you want to ask questions while information is still fresh in people’s minds, you also need to allow some time for them to think about their recent experiences so they can provide meaningful feedback. 

For instance, you may not want to conduct a survey immediately after an onboarding or training session because your employees need time to reflect on the experience and process what they’ve learned.

Using the Right Text Survey Tool for Your Corporation

Text surveys are so much easier to create and distribute if you use the right tools. The larger your business gets, the harder it is to manage internal and external communications using your phone’s native SMS and email apps. Luckily, there are text message marketing and delivery platforms that can help you take your SMS communications to the next level.

NorthText’s innovative SMS platform offers a comprehensive text survey tool that allows you to create, manage, and track the results of your surveys from the same dashboard. All of your questions and responses stay within SMS, so you don’t need to link out to a third-party website or service and risk driving away respondents. Many SMS tools only allow you to create short, “yes/no” questionnaires, but we give you the power to develop customized surveys to get actionable feedback from your staff and clients.


Are you ready to put NorthText’s powerful text survey tools to work for your business? Contact us online or call or text us anytime at (312) 869-9070 to get started.


NorthText SMS Marketing Features

Interact with your customers by text

Unlimited Texts
Unlimited Texts
160 Characters
160 Characters
MMS capability
MMS capability
Unlimited keywords
Unlimited keywords
Create surveys
Create surveys
Auto responders
Auto responders
Message dashboard
Message dashboard
API integration
API integration

Our innovative SMS marketing services will help your company get ahead—and stay ahead—of the curve by giving you a direct, reliable line of communication with your customers and endless opportunities to grow your subscriber list. Ready to get started? We can get you up and running in a matter of minutes.

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